School Uniform

Black/Grey trousers/skirt

Red school sweatshirt

White polo shirt

Safe suitable black shoes

In Summer we are happy for children to wear weather appropriate clothes, ie: red and white dress/shorts (safe, suitable sandals may be worn in Summer).


Kit for P.E.


All children should change for P.E. taking into account pupil’s religious and cultural sensitivity.  The P.E. Kit is as follows:-

Black shorts/joggers

White t-shirt                                      

Black pumps/trainers


Please note that P.E. is part of the National Curriculum and all pupils are expected to participate.

Children who do not have their P.E. kit will be asked to remove any loose clothing and then take part in the lesson where possible.


Swimming (Year 5 pupils)


Children attending swimming lessons at the local Leisure Centre should wear the following:

Girls – a full piece costume

Boys – trunks/swimming shorts


All children should bring a towel and are expected to take part in the swimming lesson as it is part of the national curriculum. Any concerns should be discussed with the class Teacher.


Jewellery/Mobile Phones


For health and safety reasons, jewellery should not be worn during the school day.  Anyone wearing jewellery will be asked to remove it and this will be passed to the office staff for safekeeping until the end of the day.  We do however allow children to wear a small pair of stud earrings.


Mobile phones should not be brought into school, however in years 5 & 6 we appreciate that some children need to carry these for safety purposes for travel to and from school.  Phones are collected and locked in the office during the day.


Whilst every care is taken to ensure the safekeeping of pupil’s belongings, School cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage.